Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dinosaur Museum and 'Flamie' Halloween Party

We had a very eventful week! On Thursday, me and Christy took Cartsy to meet my dad at the Museum of Ancient Life @ Thanksgiving Point. It was a ton of fun. None of us had ever been there, so we were a little unsure what to expect but it was awesome. And the best part was that Dad paid AND took us to lunch after! ;) He's pretty good to have around. Haha. (Thanks, Dad!)

Me and my favorite boy with a Utah Raptor. *Rawr*

Carts by a Supersaurus foot. My arm is in the pic because he wouldn't let go of my hand.

How many grandpas do you know would go through tunnels?

Me and Carter with a witchy dino, decked out for Halloween

'Meow, meow' (I don't even know what this dinosaur is but he thinks it meows. Who am I to say if he's wrong?)

"Ma, why you be takin me to these scary, scary placessss?"

Cool fishy-style dino

Another cool one

Cutest. Paleontologist. EVAR.

Then Sat was our 'flamie' Halloween party. My adorable niece, Kelsey, says the word 'family' with the "l" sound in the wrong place. Flamie. So, when we miss our VA kidlets, we call our crazy brood our flamie, IHO sweet Kelso. (I'm SO super excited to see the VA flamie sooonnn! XOXO from Aunt J!)
Gramma with the babies

Someone forgot to tell this vamp that zombies do notn make good noms.

Scott teaches the kids a thing or two about the M&M Game

Making ghostie S'mores

Woody with the Potato Heads

Cute Pirate family! *Arrrrgh!*

I hopw you all have a fantastic, safe Halloween! I'll leave you with my most favorite Halloween song:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

a few things.

I have more to update than time to sit and write witty blog posts sooo heres some pictures.
My friend Malorie got married:
Me and Mal at her house getting ready

Some general Maid of Honor cuteness right here. ;)

Also, I went to an awesome Bayside concert with Charissa. I have missed concerting all the time and was so so happy to go with her. I love Bayside SO much. If you don't know them, go listen to Montauk and Devotion and Desire. And prolly Winter, too. OMG. Love.

Here we are before the madness:

I have a REALLY sexy after picture, but since I don't want all the internet to have blackmail on my gross self, I'm not posting it. Just imagine if someone dumped a bucket of water on our heads right after this was taken. That's what it looks like.
Also, some rando in the bathroom petted my feather after the set. PSA: Don't pet peoples hair feathers. Its weird, yo.

Lead singer, the adorable Anthony Raneri

I always said when I had a fab camera I'd get tons of concert pics. Well, as it turns out, its real hard to get pictures when you are squeezed into a tiny space and everyone spontaneously starts jumping. Or you are caught mid-mosh pit.
Basically anytime you are just trying to keep your clothes on and feet on the floor is not a good time for a picture. At a rock concert, this is 100% of the set.

Ok in this one it looks like hes flipping off the crowd but I swear hes not

And, most recently, me and Christy took Carter to Thanksgiving Point to the petting zoo thing they have there.
He rode a pony

Fed cows, mooing at them the whole time

And of course took pics with Aunt Jess

One more cause I'm vain. ;)

It's been so. much. fun being back home! I'm so glad I've been able to do all these fun things! More to come soon, hopefully!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Only a month late. Utah fairs>Oregon fairs


We have WAY fluffier bunnies

an emu
(Sorry he's sideways)

a kangaroo

Cow bridal party made of butter

cotton candy noms

Goosey bride and groom

Plus the cutest redhead around!

Sorry I'm an epic bloggy fail! I'll keep trying to catch up as fast as possible! :)